The word which comes from the Greek “ atopos ” (foreigner) is used today to designate the demonstrationsallergic like asthma, eczema, hives, rhinitis, food allergies, etc. Thesemanifestations are linked to abnormal production of IgE (immunoglobulins, also known as antibodiesserum) which triggers an immediate hypersensitivity reaction.
The origin of this dysfunction can be found in our immune system and its responsesin the face of pathogenic elements in the environment. As a reminder, our white blood cells are theactors of this scenario.
T lymphocytes are made in the thymus and these cells circulate inlymph, spleen, skin and intestinal tract meet antigens that lodge ininside cells (eg viruses). B lymphocytes are made in the bone marrow;they produce a whole series of antibodies including IgE which circulate in the blood and neutralize theantigens that are found outside of cells.
Among T lymphocytes, there are several groups, including lymphocytesT “killer” which kill infected cells and T “helper” lymphocytes which enhance the responseother cells such as macrophages or B lymphocytes.
There are two categories of”helper” T lymphocytes, Th1 and Th2. Th1s stimulate cellular immunity in order toallow the destruction of infected cells and Th2 stimulates humoral immunity: they help toproduce antibodies including IgE; these bind to cells in the blood called mast cellspolynuclear, two categories of which, basophils and eosinophils, are involved inallergy phenomena.
These cells contain chemicals such as histamine which isstored in their granulations. Allergy occurs when there is an encounter between an allergen and aIgE antibody which will then trigger a mast cell degranulation process which willcause the release of histamine.
This phenomenon is then spectacular, because it is accompanied immediate reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, stopping breathing,choking, redness on the skin, drop in blood pressure, and in severe cases: shock anaphylactic and death.Normally, in people without allergies, there is a balance between cells Th1 and Th2 cells through normal production of interferon which regulates the production of Th2 cells.
However, vaccinations push the body to produce large quantities of antibodies,that is, they stimulate Th2 cells to an excess, thus creating an imbalance betweenTh1 / Th2, which promotes the installation of pathologies. It is evident that the diseases of childhood,contrary, were important for the development of a balanced immune system because they”Taught” the body to deal with other infections, a mechanism that vaccinations broke.
In reality, the immune response is extremely complex and involves all the componentsof the immune system, which is why the very principle of vaccination, simplistic and erroneous,should no longer apply.
American studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated
It is always difficult to provide concrete proof of the role that vaccinations play inthe appearance of diseases. Quite simply because there are no comparative studies betweenvaccinated and unvaccinated. The point is that today very few children in the world are underall vaccinated.
In 2007, two members of Congress in the United States, Marlyn B. MALONEY and ChristopherH. SMITH, presented a comparative study between a population of vaccinated individuals andunvaccinated individuals. But this work was not followed up. The same year, a student fromConnecticut, Devi LOCKWOOD had conducted a study among the Amish – who refuse in theirmajority of vaccinations. He found, in particular, that no one had a peanut this community.
But the CDC (Center of Disease Control) refused to take thisstudy because of the genetic links between the Amish. Devi LOOCKWOOD, then turned toan area of Washington State, Vashon Island, a haven for alternative medicine where 1600school-aged children were not vaccinated. He compared this population with that of his city,Ridgefield where the vaccination rate was very high and he again found that the unvaccinatedhad no peanut allergy.
A little history
It is a very well known and documented fact: vaccinations cause allergies. The story hardly spoke of allergy: Hippocrates had mentioned the case of an allergy tocheese. Later, a French doctor in 1765 described an allergy to an insect bite.
The French physician, François MAGENDIE (1783-1855), had found that animals sensitive to whiteinjected egg shocked and died after a second injection of the same product. Butthis type of reaction was considered very rare. It is with the introduction of vaccinations and injectionsof serum that the allergies exploded.
We spoke at the beginning of “serum disease”, in particularfor the diphtheria and tetanus serum which has been used abundantly throughout thefirst part of the 20th century. It was the Austrian Clemens VON PIRQUET who defined in 1906, theword “allergy” (from the Greek allos : other and ergon : reaction) and the French immunologist Charles RICHET(1850-1935) which will explain the word “anaphylaxis” (from the Greek ana “contrary” and phylaxis“Protection”), increased sensitivity to an allergen.
Later, the French bacteriologist,Nicolas Maurice ARTHUS (1962-1945) will show in 1903 that all the proteins injected couldcause an allergic phenomenon. A New York pediatrician, Oscar SCHLOSS, in 1912 describedhave a food allergy to egg for the first time. Ingestion was therefore also a route leadingto allergies.
In 1944, after the discovery by Alexander FLEMING of penicillin, certain laboratoriesAmerican pharmaceutical companies have embarked on the manufacture of this antibiotic by addingan oil of cotton seeds .
This oil served as an emulsifier for both oral penicillinthan injectable. The ingestible capsules also contained gelatin and they dissolved inlevel of the intestines, after passing the barrier of gastric juices. Before the second warworldwide, all kinds of oils had been used in vaccines (castor oil, corn oil, olive oil, coconut, sesame, palm, sunflower, grape seeds, borage, blackcurrant, canola,almond, emu, mustard seed, copra, safflower, soybean, etc. (See the list ofvaccine adjuvant patents). These oils were stabilized by egg lecithin.
All theattempts were abandoned due to terrible side effects. Refined cotton seedswere not free of danger since they contained gossypol, a toxicant used lateras a pesticide.In the 1930s, concerns grew about the allergenic power of this oil.But the all-powerful cottonseed growers in the United States urged not tomention the presence of cottonseed oil in the products, for the reason that this oil does notdid not contain allergens!
However, since 1980, cottonseed oil proteins have beenconsidered a strong allergen and their presence in any type of oil is prohibited. heIt was therefore necessary to replace this oil by another, and it is the peanut oil that was chosen to enterin the manufacture of penicillin ampoules and for vaccines. It was the oil boompeanut, cotton fields were disappearing in favor of peanut fields.
In the years1940-50, without the consumer knowing it, peanut oil was found everywhere,in anesthetics, in medicines and vitamins, skin creams intended forchildren and adults and in particular in the tetanus vaccine launched on a large scale in 1940.During the war, a doctor of the American Army, Monroe ROMANSKY, had the idea of addingpeanut oil with penicillin to prolong the effect. This was the start of allergies topeanut.
Origin of food allergies
Food allergies are a recent phenomenon: first case of nut allergy observed in 1920, allergy to sesame in 1950, allergy to Brazil nut in 1983, allergy tolupine in 1994… No one, however, tried to find out why these allergies appeared andwhat was its origin.
However, it is not necessary to do 7 years of studies tounderstand that what nourishes us passes through the digestive tract (stomach, intestines…). It is becausenatural circuit that food makes us feel good. But if we inject it, it is no longer a”friendly” food that occurs in our body, but an intruder that our systemimmune will have to fight.
Look at the package leaflet for the hepatitis B vaccine: the vaccine containscasein. Babies are injected with this vaccine at birth. How to be surprised that they becomeallergic to milk very quickly? Also note that the Glaxo laboratory, manufacturer of the Engérix vaccine,holds 6% of the baby milk market in India !!.
Take the PREVENAR 7 vaccine, eachserotype is cultured in soy peptone broth, a culture medium considered to be excellent.Strangely enough, babies are now allergic to soy !! Oddly enough, the same manufacturer isalso supplier of infant formula!Besides oils and a whole host of chemicals containing acid, carbohydratesetc. other foods are also used in the manufacture of vaccines such as yeasts,animal products, plants, seafood, the list would be too long for allenumerate.
The exact composition of these extracts is often unknown. We also know that theyoften come from waste from other industries: anything can be used to make money! It is necessaryremember that any food protein injected through a vaccine can cause an allergy food. The thing is perfectly known, why then are we told that scientists do notnot know why the incidence of food allergies is increasing?
In vaccines
In 1964, the New York Times reported that pharmacy giant Merck had developed anew ingredient used in vaccines as an adjuvant that can boost immunity againstflu, polio and other illnesses. This ingredient which had its MA 4 years previouslywas called Adjuvant 65-4 .
It was invented by Maurice HILLEMAN and it contained 65% oilpeanut as well as other substances such as aluminum and paraffin emulsionfluid whose emulsifier was Arlacel A (impure form of ester of mannitol and oleic acid,which has been accused of causing brain tumors in mice).
WHO specified in 1976:“With adjuvant 65, as it is currently in use, we have an aqueous vaccine emulsion ina highly refined peanut oil, the emulsifier being mannide mono-oleatechemically pure, and the stabilizer chemically pure aluminum monostearate ”.
Oil contained in vaccines surrounds antigens; when the vaccine is injected into the muscle, the oilis gradually metabolized (it takes about two months for it to be fully metabolized)by the body which then allows the continuous diffusion of the other ingredients.
As early as 1966, Merckwas selling an influenza vaccine containing peanut oil adjuvant 65-4.From the start of the use of adjuvants (in the 1920s thanks to the work of GastonRAMON) we knew very well, especially after the terrible side effects of Freund’s adjuvant(an emulsion of mineral oil, water, aluminum and Micobacteria) than any adjuvant based on oil was extremely dangerous.
This is why this 65-4 adjuvant was no longer authorized invaccines from the 1970s-1980s, but it served as a model for other adjuvants. Let us quote byexample, the adjuvant GM-CSF which has been used in several pediatric vaccines since 1997 in the United States.United, the adjuvant AS02 and AS04 based on an emulsion of water and peanut oil (MPL) and which isfound in the Cervarix vaccine in particular, the Fendrix vaccine (for poor responders to the vaccinehepatitis B), the squalene-based MF59 adjuvant found in the Fluad influenza vaccine.
ATnote that this adjuvant also contains a very dangerous glycoprotein called gp120 , as well asstudies have shown this in Gulf War veterans vaccinated against anthrax, a vaccine thatcontained some. This glycoprotein is taken up by microglial cells in the brain where it causesdamage such as “immuno-excitotoxicity” etc.
In short, the use in vaccines of the oilpeanut since that time has become common practice. However, people were not at allaware and had absolutely no idea what was being injected into their children’s bodies. According toProf. Charles JANEWAY, of Yale University, adjuvants, due to fierce competitionthat exists between manufacturers, are “the dirty little secrets of immunologists “.
Currently many pediatric vaccines still contain peanut oil,but manufacturers do not always indicate it; we also know that the existence of a patent doesnot to say that the product was manufactured. So we are not in a position to know exactlyeverything that is used to make a vaccine and everything in it in the end. Still, thiswho is sure is that the peanut allergy epidemic coincides with the increase in the calendarvaccination for children in all countries of the world, between 1980 and 1990.
You should also know that the habit has been taken to administer vitamin K (Konakion)infants from day one to prevent newborn hemorrhages. Now thisvitamin K from Roche or Merck laboratories, contains peanut oil. The babies are thenvaccinated with penta or hexavalent combination vaccines which specifically include Hib vaccine(against Haemophilus influenzae b bacteria ) which contains peanut oil. We canimagine the propensity to allergies that this cocktail can trigger.
This vaccine is particularlyconcerning because there is a similarity between the proteins of the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae band those of peanuts as well as those of walnuts, likely to cause what is called a”Cross-reaction”. The data collected in various countries are very enlightening: in countries whichhave not imposed the Hib vaccine (e.g. India, Indonesia, Russia, etc.), there is no allergy topeanut. On the other hand in Ghana for example or in Australia, we observed a very high levelIgE as soon as the Hib vaccine was introduced into vaccination programs in 1992.
The worst part is that all experts know very well that all the components of a vaccine arepotentially dangerous, but they don’t care; they cynically admit that they don’t knownot much about the effects of these components in the body and that they do not know anything aboutinteractions between them, no study being officially scheduled on this subject! [6]. Thedoctors who follow children allergic to peanuts and who vaccinate them, do they know that theyinject a powerful allergen that increases their pathology?
And like all those oily adjuvantsare intended to strengthen the immune response, it is certain that the inflammation they causewill last a very long time, thus undermining the individual’s defense potential.CONCLUSIONPeanut allergy started after the war with penicillin and its oil emulsionpeanut. The allergy epidemic accelerated and grew until it becamemassive in the 1990s.
The incidence of this pathology coincides with the administration ofvaccines containing peanut oil and with increasing doses recommended in theimmunization schedule throughout the world, even though the United States, Canada, Australia andSweden seem to be the most affected countries.
The cause is to be found in the components ofvaccines that our children receive, and in particular the Hib vaccine, to which is added vitamin K. presence in vaccines of aluminum hydroxide and mercury, metals which potentiate theiatrogenic, only increases the risk of allergy. Can we make a more explosive cocktail? Thevaccines cause permanent inflammation of the intestine, a key part of our systemimmune, and make it permeable, which predisposes to allergies. This is a devilish”Connection”.
Naturally, each person will have their own reaction to the dangerous components.and their combination and the pathologies will therefore be different depending on the individual.Here are three explanations that officials put forward to “justify” this phenomenon whichplagues our health and our societies:
- First, no causal link has been proven between the vaccinations received after thebirth and the onset of an allergy when the child begins to eatsolid. Pharmacovigilance only takes into account what happens within three monthsafter vaccination, studies only consider the short term.
- Second explanation: Allergies are part of modern life, they are an evil that must besuffer the human species which in return receives all the collective benefits ofvaccination: saving humanity through vaccines supposes that we admit someInevitable “inconveniences” for some individuals.
- The third explanation is economic: manufacturers do not want to raise this problem(especially since it is not “provable” according to their own rules) because the damage isincluded in the business and that the state covers large firms by promoting propagandalie that systematically denies all postvaccine accidents.
The cost of damagevaccine manufacturers and the government, because they are theconsumers who support them. All this is good for the economy, since a wholerange of products without gluten, dairy products, peanut oil, sugar, etc. atborn.
Those who buy them and thus enrich the manufacturers who rub their handsfaced with this manna, it is the victims who sacrifice themselves once again. Pathologiesvaccines (Crohn’s disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, allergies, autism, etc.)give work to a whole host of professionals and are also an excellent toolfor investors!When we come to a situation where prevention is more dangerous than disease, we mustcitizens organize, inform themselves and jointly campaign to say STOP and refusevaccinations. Fortunately, this is what is taking place.
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